
From local software to online service

UI, UX & Web Design, Illustrations

Efter 59 år

With the task of developing a design style that must be clear, user-friendly and highlight the tasks. Working with the set web standard where cooperation with teachers and the Special Education School Authority was one of the requirements. It must also be clear for people with impaired vision and possibly color blindness.

Lexia and Provia are tools for learning to read and write intended for students with dyslexia and/or language-related learning difficulties.

VRIK logotyp on a window in gold-wrap


Lexia is a result of Olle's computer-based work with aphasia patients in combination with Martti's mission to investigate and help students with language-related learning difficulties. The new Lexia and Provia are developed in close collaboration between Martti, Olle and Sanoma Utbildning.

Olle Gunnilstam has a long background as a speech therapist at Sabbatsberg Hospital and at the Neurological Rehabilitation Clinic in Sköndal. Since 1987, he has developed computer programs for language training. Martti Mårtens has worked at the speech therapy clinic at the Central Hospital in Västerås as well as running his own clinic in Västerås.

Martti Mårtens

leg.logoped och en av två upphovsmän till konseptet Lexia Provia.
”Att samarbeta med Patrick upplever jag som kreativt och nyskapande. Med glimten i ögat presenterar han sina innovativa förslag till lösningar som oftast fungerar omgående. Utan att ha detaljkunskap om vårt arbetsområde med dyslektiker, visar sig Patrick ha förvånansvärt lätt att tillägna sig essensen i det vi vill åstadkomma och formar sina funderingar på basen av dessa insikter”.

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